The IRS urges anyone working in the sharing economy to perform a Paycheck Checkup now to avoid an unexpected tax bill when they file their return next year. Many people working in the sharing economy are employees, in which case their employers should be withholding taxes from their wages. Many
What New 501(c)(3) Organizations Need to Know
Starting Off Right: What New 501(c)(3) Organizations Need to Know This free webinar is a fast-paced overview by two IRS Exempt Organizations tax veterans on what new tax-exempts need to do (and what they will want to avoid) to follow IRS rules and keep their tax status in good standing in years to
IRS Helps Taxpayers
The Internal Revenue Service announced today that IRS offices will be open nationwide on Saturday, March 27 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., local time, to help taxpayers. The location of participating offices is listed on “We are holding these special open houses to give taxpayers who are struggling